Puglia - Foggia

San Marco in Lamis: Spiritual and Cultural Heart of the Gargano

Updated at: 27-08-2024

Santuario di Santa Maria di Stignano a San Marco in Lamis

San Marco in Lamis: A Small Town in Puglia, Located in the Province of Foggia San Marco in Lamis is a pulsating center of the Gargano, gently spread in a karstic basin between the convents of San Matteo and Madonna di Stignano, at an altitude of 550 meters.

Following the Via Sacra dei Longobardi, one reaches these two splendid Franciscan convents that constitute the spiritual backbone of the place.

The village developed around the Convent of San Matteo during the 11th century with the Benedictines, and later with the cardinals and other commendatory abbots, it became one of the most important religious centers.

The domain of this village extended over much of the Gargano and some areas of the Tavoliere delle Puglie, ensuring protection to the inhabitants of the place, due to its impregnable position, perched on a hill.

Especially in view of 2025, the year of the Jubilee, prepare to discover an ancient village of the Gargano ready to offer you not only religious tourism but also guided tours and promotion of its woods, trails, mountains, and gastronomy.

How to Reach San Marco in Lamis

San Marco in Lamis is accessible in several ways:

By car: It is mainly accessible via the A14 motorway (Bologna-Taranto). If traveling from the north, it is possible to exit at San Severo or Foggia and then proceed towards the SS272 in the direction of San Marco in Lamis. From the south, the exit is Cerignola Est, from which you proceed on the SP58 and then on the SS272.

By train: The nearest railway station is that of Foggia. From there, it is possible to take a bus or a taxi to reach San Marco in Lamis, which is about 45 km away.

By plane: The nearest airport is Bari-Palese Airport (about 150 km away) or Foggia Airport (closer but with fewer available flights). From both airports, it is necessary to continue by car or bus to reach the city.

History of San Marco in Lamis

San Marco in Lamis has origins that date back to Roman times, when it was probably a small agricultural settlement. However, the name "San Marco in Lamis" refers to its association with San Marco Evangelista, and the designation “in Lamis” is due to the area that, in ancient times, surrounded the Gargano town which hosted marshy water bodies called "lame".

The documented history of San Marco in Lamis begins around the year 1000. The town was founded in the context of Norman expansion and subsequently passed under the dominion of the Swabians, the French, and the Aragonese.

During the Middle Ages, San Marco in Lamis became an important center of commerce and religion. In the 19th and 20th centuries, San Marco in Lamis saw a period of growth and modernization. The town developed economically while maintaining its cultural and religious identity.

The town owes its history largely to the convent of San Matteo for a long time called San Giovanni in Lamis by the Benedictines who built it around the 5th century to accommodate the increasingly numerous pilgrims headed to the Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo in Monte Sant’Angelo. From here, the Sanctuary of San Michele is reachable on foot in just one day.

What to See in San Marco in Lamis

Chiesa Matrice dell’Annunziata

In the historic center, called Padula, is the majestic Chiesa Matrice dell’Annunziata with a monumental bell tower, built with local stone. The bell tower, which is developed on several levels, is crowned by a spire and houses an ancient bell that still marks the liturgical moments of the community today.

The Chiesa Matrice dell’Annunziata has ancient origins, dating back to the 13th century. It was built on the site of a pre-existing place of worship and over the centuries has undergone numerous restorations and expansions, which have modified its original structure.

The current appearance is the result of work that has taken place up to the 18th century, making the church an interesting example of a fusion of architectural styles. The high altar, in baroque style, is one of the most precious elements of the church, decorated with polychrome marbles and statues. Above the altar is a large painting depicting the Annunciation, to which the church is dedicated, a work by a local artist from the 18th century.

Sanctuary of San Matteo

interior of the sanctuary of San Matteo, in San Marco in Lamis

Sanctuary of San Matteo: Located just outside the city, the Sanctuary of San Matteo is one of the oldest places of worship in the Gargano. This Franciscan convent dates back to the 11th century.

According to tradition, it was founded by the Benedictines, who built an initial church and a monastery dedicated to the Archangel Michael. Later, in the 15th century, the site passed to the Franciscans, who dedicated it to Saint Matthew the Apostle.

It houses a precious relic: the finger of Saint Matthew the Apostle, preserved in a silver reliquary and an object of great veneration by the faithful.

It is a fundamental stop for pilgrims visiting the area, often on their way to the nearby Sanctuary of San Pio in San Giovanni Rotondo. The convent is immersed in an atmosphere of deep spirituality and peace, ideal for prayer and meditation.

How to Reach It

exterior of the sanctuary of San Matteo, in San Marco in Lamis

The Sanctuary of San Matteo is located about 3 km from the center of San Marco in Lamis, along the Strada Statale 272.

It is easily accessible by car, following the signs for San Giovanni Rotondo and then for the sanctuary. The site is nestled in the greenery of the Gargano National Park, offering visitors an environment of great natural beauty and tranquility.

Sanctuary of Madonna di Stignano

exterior of the sanctuary of santa maria di stignano

This sanctuary has a secular history and represents a significant landmark for pilgrims and for the Marian devotion of the region.

The Sanctuary of Madonna di Stignano dates back to the 13th century, although its official foundation occurred in 1231 at the behest of Pope Gregory IX.

The church was built on a pre-existing chapel, which according to popular tradition, was built on the site where a shepherd had found an icon of the Madonna. This miraculous event marked the beginning of Marian devotion in the place.

The sanctuary is a magnificent example of Renaissance architecture, with Gothic influences. The facade is simple and linear, but the interior impresses with its beauty and atmosphere of recollection.

Inside, one can admire frescoes and decorations dating back to the 15th and 16th centuries, along with the venerated image of the Madonna di Stignano, a wooden work from the 15th century.

Arco di San Marco

This arch represents one of the significant architectural elements of the city and is part of the historical and cultural heritage of San Marco in Lamis. The Arco di San Marco is located near the Chiesa Matrice dell’Annunziata and other important historical structures, along the path leading to the Sanctuary of San Matteo.

This arch symbolically marks the entrance to the spiritual journey that pilgrims undertake to reach the sanctuary. It is a simple monument but loaded with religious significance.

The arch is characterized by an imposing structure, with an elegantly decorated facade.

Events in San Marco in Lamis

Patronal Feast

The patron saints of San Marco in Lamis are St. Mark the Evangelist and Our Lady of Sorrows. The patronal feast is renewed in the spring and is a special occasion for the local community to celebrate its faith, tradition, and local culture.

One of the most significant moments is the procession through the streets of the town, during which the statue of St. Mark is carried in a procession. The procession is accompanied by prayers, hymns, and large popular participation.

The fair is an ancient tradition of the Patron Saint's feast. In the evening, it often concludes with a fireworks display, lighting up the sky of San Marco in Lamis, joyfully and colorfully celebrating the Patron Saint's day.

Procession of the “Fracchie” and Living Way of the Cross (Holy Week)

procession of the fracchie in the holy week 2

The Holy Week rites are not to be missed. Every Good Friday, San Marco in Lamis renews the slow march of Our Lady of Sorrows, and hundreds of fires are lit, the “fracchie”, which burn and illuminate the entire town before the Resurrection of Christ.

The "fracchie" are large, handmade wooden torches, made of tree trunks split longitudinally and tied together to form a sort of large cone. The largest ones reach almost ten meters in height.

procession of the fracchie in the holy week 1

Once lit, they burn with enormous flames that light up the night. The term "fracchia" likely derives from a dialect word meaning "broken branch" or "bundle of twigs."

The grandeur of the Fracchie has always enchanted every visitor with their warmth, light, devotion, and the sparks that rise into the sky, illuminating the sorrowful night of Good Friday.

In addition to the Fracchie procession, during Holy Week, the Living Way of the Cross is also performed. This event involves a large number of citizens who transform into actors to stage the Passion of Christ.

The performances take place in various suggestive locations in the historic center, creating an atmosphere of great emotional and spiritual intensity.

Feast of San Matteo (September 21)

Another significant event is the Feast of Saint Matthew the Apostle, celebrated on September 21. On this day, solemn Masses are held, and a procession is conducted in honor of the saint, whose relic is kept in the Sanctuary of San Matteo.

It is a festival with high participation, especially due to the devotion linked to the sanctuary, which attracts numerous pilgrims.

Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows (September)

In addition to the Feast of Saint Matthew, Our Lady of Sorrows is also celebrated in September with a well-attended procession that crosses the streets of the town.

This celebration is particularly felt by families who have a special connection to Marian devotion.

Carnival of San Marco in Lamis

The Carnival is a lively and colorful event that involves the entire town. The parades of allegorical floats, masked groups, and street dances are the highlights of this festivity, which mixes tradition and creativity.

It is a moment of great fun, especially for children and families, who actively participate in the celebrations.

What to Do in San Marco in Lamis

Explore Bosco Difesa and Grotta di Montenero

A visit to Bosco Difesa, one of the biodiversity temples of the Gargano National Park, is a must. Here you will find the most famous cave of the Gargano, Grotta di Montenero, rich in stalactites and stalagmites, and composed of large chambers accessed through tunnels.

The cave can be visited with a guided tour lasting a couple of hours, contacting the local tourist guide group. Prices vary depending on the itinerary but are generally moderate.

Hiking in the Gargano National Park

Take advantage of the location of San Marco in Lamis to explore the Gargano National Park, which offers numerous hiking trails and breathtaking views. You can go hiking or biking, explore the caves and forests, and observe the local flora and fauna.

Visit the Museum of the History of San Marco in Lamis

This local museum offers a comprehensive overview of the history and culture of San Marco in Lamis. Explore the historical collections and learn more about the origins and traditions of the town.

Visit the Museum of Rural Civilization

Discover the history and agricultural culture of the Gargano by visiting the Museum of Rural Civilization, which preserves tools and objects from rural life.

Admire the exhibits and learn how the local inhabitants lived in past centuries.

What to See Near San Marco in Lamis

San Giovanni Rotondo

San Giovanni Rotondo is about 15 km from San Marco in Lamis. This place is famous for being the home of Padre Pio.

The Sanctuary of Padre Pio is an important pilgrimage center, and the town also offers the Wax Museum of Padre Pio and various places of interest related to the life of the saint.

Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo (Monte Sant'Angelo)

Located about 20 km from San Marco in Lamis, this sanctuary is one of the most important pilgrimage sites in Italy, dedicated to Saint Michael the Archangel.

The complex includes an underground basilica with a crypt that houses the sacred cave where, according to tradition, the archangel appeared to Saint Laurence Maiorano in the 5th century. The sanctuary is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and represents an important center of spirituality and history.

Dinosaur Park

For those interested in exploring the prehistoric history of the Gargano, it is possible to visit the Dinosaur Park in the Celano area.

This is an interesting open-air museum that arose following the exceptional discoveries of dinosaur footprints found in the territory, which are reproduced in full size in a fun park for children.

Foresta Umbra (Gargano National Park)

The Foresta Umbra is located about 30 km from San Marco in Lamis.

The Foresta Umbra is one of the most beautiful and protected natural areas in the Gargano National Park. It is famous for its wooded landscapes, hiking trails, and biodiversity.

Here you can take walks among ancient trees, admire local flora and fauna, and enjoy the tranquility of nature.


San Marco in Lamis, nestled in the heart of the Gargano, offers an extraordinary fusion of religious history and natural beauty.

The town's spiritual heritage is evidenced by important places of worship such as the Sanctuary of San Matteo and the Sanctuary of the Madonna di Stignano, both fundamental to the religious and cultural life of the region.

The presence of these sanctuaries, along with ancient traditions such as the Fracchie procession during Holy Week, underscores the importance of San Marco in Lamis as a center of pilgrimage and devotion.

The town not only zealously guards its spiritual heritage but also celebrates it with events and festivities that attract visitors and devotees from all over the world, especially in anticipation of the Jubilee Year 2025.

The interaction between faith, history, and the natural environment makes San Marco in Lamis a unique destination, where visitors can explore the deep roots of Christian spirituality while enjoying the tranquility and beauty of the Gargano landscape.



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