San Pietro in Bevagna: tips for the best beaches in Taranto

Updated at: 12-07-2024

San Pietro in Bevagna: tips for the best beaches in Taranto

What to See in San Pietro in Bevagna?

  • Beach of San Pietro in Bevagna
  • Mouth of the Chidro River
  • Salina dei Monaci Nature Reserve
  • Church of San Pietro

What is the sea like in San Pietro in Bevagna?

The sea in San Pietro in Bevagna is crystal clear, with shallow waters for many stretches. The beaches are characterized by long expanses of sand interspersed with short rocky sections.

The surrounding environment is enveloped in the greenery of nature and coastal dunes. Perfect for families.

Hidden among the smiling arms of the Ionian Sea, in the heart of Apulia, lies San Pietro in Bevagna, a pearl of the province of Taranto that is beginning to shine in the Italian tourist landscape. This charming destination is strategically positioned between Campomarino di Maruggio and Torre Colimena, offering easy access from nearby cities and Brindisi Airport, about 60 km away. San Pietro in Bevagna promises a relaxing and intimate travel experience, far from the overcrowded destinations that often characterize the most popular beach areas of the Province of Taranto.

The growing interest in San Pietro in Bevagna is largely due to its authenticity and the unspoiled beauty of its golden beaches. Imagine a long stretch of fine sand, bathed by crystal clear waters and framed by natural dunes covered with Mediterranean scrub. It's an image that evokes tranquility and wild nature, an irresistible appeal for those seeking a break from the daily frenzy.

The popularity of San Pietro in Bevagna has also increased thanks to the genuineness of the local hospitality. Here, far from the big hotel chains, visitors can stay in cozy bed and breakfasts run by local families, savor Apulian cuisine in trattorias where time seems to have stopped, and discover small artisanal shops offering unique and typical products.

It's easy to see why San Pietro in Bevagna is gaining popularity: it offers a perfect combination of natural beauty, history, culture, and hospitality. A place where you can still hear the sound of the sea breaking on the beach, without the din of crowds. Here, every visitor can find a moment of peace and connection with nature, making San Pietro in Bevagna one of the most charming emerging destinations in southern Italy.

Beaches and Nature

Another photo of the beach of San Pietro in Bevagna Mare San Pietro in Bevagna Access to the beaches of San Pietro in Bevagna

The charm of the beaches of San Pietro in Bevagna lies in their spectacular natural beauty and the diversity of the environments they offer. The Spiaggia di San Pietro, the most famous in the area, stands out for its long stretch of golden sand that extends for kilometers along the coast. The sea here is crystal clear, with shades of blue that vary depending on the depth and the incidence of sunlight, offering a visual spectacle that captures the attention of anyone who visits.

A particular aspect of this beach is its accessibility. The shallow and sandy bottoms make the water ideal for families with children, who can safely play in the shallow waters. Moreover, the sand dunes that border the beach are an important habitat for various species of plants and animals. Among the plants, the Mediterranean scrub dominates, with bushes of myrtle, lentisk, and strawberry tree that offer not only a fascinating natural scenery but also a vital refuge for local birdlife.

Besides the Spiaggia di San Pietro, another natural gem is the Spiaggia di Specchiarica, located north of the town center. This beach is characterized by its transparent waters and small stretches of rocky coastline that offer ideal scenarios for snorkeling enthusiasts. Here, the marine ecosystem is rich in biodiversity: it is possible to observe a variety of colorful fish, echinoderms, and occasionally even small cuttlefish hiding among the rocks.

The flora and fauna of the area are further enriched by the presence of the Riserva Naturale della Salina dei Monaci, located south of San Pietro in Bevagna. This reserve is a protected area that offers an essential habitat for many bird species, including pink flamingos that find food and shelter here. The environment of the salt marsh, with its shallow, nutrient-rich waters, is ideal for bird watching and nature photography, attracting birdwatching enthusiasts and nature lovers from around the world every year.

The combination of sandy beaches, crystal clear waters, and diverse protected areas makes San Pietro in Bevagna a destination of great interest for tourists, who come here to enjoy the tranquility of the beaches, explore the rich marine life, and immerse themselves in unspoiled nature. The possible activities are numerous: from swimming to kitesurfing, from walking along the coast to discovering the dunes and nature reserves, every visitor can find the ideal way to connect with the surrounding environment and live an unforgettable experience.

Mouth of the Chidro River

Mouth of the Chidro River

A place of great natural beauty, with fresh waters mixing with the sea, creating a unique environment. It is a perfect spot for a walk or to enjoy nature.

The Chidro River is one of the most important rivers in the region, despite its modest size. Its length of 400 meters makes it one of the shortest rivers in Italy.

Photo of the mouth of the Chidro River meeting the sea.

Chidro River meeting the sea

It originates from a freshwater spring located a short distance from the sea, and its short course leads it to flow directly into the Ionian Sea.

What makes the Chidro unique is the purity and freshness of its waters, which remain consistently cool even during the hottest summer months.

Salina dei Monaci Nature Reserve

Entrance to Salina dei Monaci

Located a few kilometers from the center of San Pietro in Bevagna, this reserve hosts pink flamingos and offers a wild and unspoiled landscape.

Local Attractions

San Pietro in Bevagna, with its enchanting beaches and unspoiled nature, offers much more than simple beach days. Tourists can enjoy a wide range of attractions and activities that enrich their experience in the locality. Among these, not only natural attractions stand out, but also typical restaurants, artisanal shops, and various entertainment possibilities.

Church of San Pietro

Church of St. Peter

The Church of San Pietro was built at the point where, according to legend, the apostle Peter landed while sailing to Rome. Attached to the church is the Tower of San Pietro, part of the historic coastal defense system.

Despite its modest size, the church is an important spiritual landmark for the community.

Visiting the Church

  • Hours: The church is open to visitors year-round, with hours varying depending on the season and liturgical celebrations.
  • How to Get There: Located in the town center, the church is easily accessible on foot from the beach and other points of interest in San Pietro in Bevagna.

One of the main points of interest is the Riserva Naturale della Foce del Fiume Chidro, a protected area that offers a diverse habitat for many bird and plant species. Here, visitors can fully immerse themselves in nature, trekking along well-maintained trails and participating in guided tours that illustrate the fauna and flora of the place. The reserve is particularly famous among birdwatching enthusiasts.

Continuing along the coast, one cannot ignore the ancient Torre San Pietro, a 16th-century watchtower that dominates the maritime landscape. This historic building is not only an important landmark but also offers a spectacular panoramic view of the sea, ideal for taking memorable photos.

Torre San Pietro

For food lovers, San Pietro in Bevagna offers an excellent selection of restaurants serving traditional Apulian dishes. Pescheria da Clara, for example, is renowned for its freshest seafood and dishes prepared according to local recipes, allowing visitors to savor the true taste of the Mediterranean. Other restaurants like Il Pescatore offer cozy environments and menus that range from fish dishes to more terrestrial options like orecchiette with turnip tops.

Not less important are the artisanal shops scattered in the historic center, where it is possible to buy typical products such as hand-decorated ceramics, loom-woven fabrics, and other art objects that reflect the rich cultural heritage of this region. These shops not only offer unique souvenirs but also the opportunity to observe artisans at work, an authentic experience that allows appreciating the skills handed down from generation to generation.

For those seeking some active fun, San Pietro in Bevagna does not disappoint. The offer of water sports is vast: from windsurfing to kitesurfing, from scuba diving to snorkeling, the crystal clear waters of the area are the ideal place to practice activities that satisfy adventurous spirits. Moreover, during the summer months, the beach often transforms into a stage for live concerts and shows, adding an extra level of entertainment.

Visitor Experiences

Anyone who visits San Pietro in Bevagna is destined to return home with memorable stories and a renewed appreciation for the unspoiled beauty and hospitality of Apulia. Traveler testimonies provide a unique and personal glimpse that only those who have walked its beaches or immersed themselves in its waters can offer.

For Marco, a tourist from Milan who chose San Pietro in Bevagna for a relaxing holiday, the experience exceeded expectations. "The Spiaggia di San Pietro was a true paradise," recounts Marco. "The crystal clear sea and fine sand are the ideal place to relax and disconnect from the daily routine. But what really impressed me was the hospitality of the locals. They are always ready to share stories of the place and offer advice on where to eat the best fresh fish."

Valeria, on the other hand, had an exceptional experience participating in one of the guided walks in the Riserva Naturale della Salina dei Monaci. "I'm not an expert in birdwatching, but observing the pink flamingos in such a magical environment was incredible," says Valeria. "The guide was very knowledgeable and made the excursion educational and fun. It's an activity I would recommend to anyone visiting this area."

Many visitors also praise the cleanliness of the beaches and the preserved natural beauty, although some report that during the peak of summer, the beaches can become quite crowded. As Luca suggests, "Coming here in June or September is ideal. The weather is still splendid and there is much less crowding. Moreover, it is easier to find good accommodation at more convenient rates."

The accessibility of the beach and the ease of reaching even less crowded areas are often mentioned in the reviews. Elena, a mother of two children, particularly appreciates this aspect: "Being able to park fairly close to the beach and not having to walk a lot was a relief, especially with the kids and all the beach toys."

In addition to the sea and nature, the local cuisine constantly receives praise. "The seafood is incredible, fresh and cooked in a simple but delicious way," says Antonio, a passionate foodie. "I had the best mussels of my life in a small seafood restaurant overlooking the sea, and the local wine perfectly accompanied every meal."

These stories, tips, and personal impressions not only enrich the perception of San Pietro in Bevagna as a destination but also provide practical insights and incentives for future visitors. Listening to those who have personally experienced San Pietro in Bevagna offers a richer and more authentic view of what to expect from this enchanting Apulian locality.

Events and Festivities

San Pietro in Bevagna offers a rich calendar of events and festivities that reflect the cultural vibrancy and tradition of this beautiful Apulian locality. The organized events range from culinary festivals to religious celebrations, significantly contributing to the tourist appeal of the area and offering visitors an authentic taste of the local culture.

One of the most anticipated events is the "Festa di San Pietro Apostolo," held every year at the end of June. This religious festival celebrates the patron saint of the town, the apostle Peter, with a heartfelt procession that winds through the streets of the town, accompanied by traditional music and active community participation. In the evening, the celebrations end with fireworks on the seafront, illuminating the night sky and enchanting both residents and tourists.

During the summer, San Pietro in Bevagna further comes alive thanks to the "Festival della Murex," an event that celebrates the gastronomic richness of the region with particular attention to seafood. This festival attracts renowned chefs and food enthusiasts who want to discover and savor dishes made with the freshest fish. The evenings are enriched by live music and tastings that allow exploring the unique flavors of the local cuisine in a festive and welcoming atmosphere.

Not less important is the "Sagra del Cozze," a festival held in July that celebrates one of the most emblematic products of the sea of San Pietro in Bevagna: mussels. The event turns into a large popular festival where you can taste mussels cooked in various ways, from those alla marinara to more innovative recipes. The festival is not only an opportunity to taste excellent dishes based on mussels but also to enjoy musical performances and entertainment activities along the coast.

For music and culture lovers, the "Jazz a San Pietro" is an unmissable event. This music festival, usually held in August, sees the participation of internationally renowned musicians and offers a series of jazz concerts that take place in various evocative locations in the town, from squares to beaches, creating a magical atmosphere under the stars.

Moreover, the events do not stop with the end of summer. In the autumn period, the "Festa dell'Uva e del Vino Primitivo" celebrates the grape harvest and the quality wine production of the territory. During this festival, local wineries open their doors to visitors, offering wine tastings and typical products, accompanied by traditional Apulian music and folk dances.

These events and many other minor festivities not only enliven the seasons of San Pietro in Bevagna but are also an important vehicle for cultural and tourist promotion. Through these celebrations, visitors have the opportunity to immerse themselves in local traditions and live authentic experiences that enrich their stay, making every visit to San Pietro in Bevagna memorable and meaningful.

History and Culture

The history of San Pietro in Bevagna is as fascinating as its beaches are enchanting. This small but significant place on the Apulian coast has historical roots that intertwine with mythical and religious narratives. According to legend, it was here that the apostle Peter, one of Jesus' twelve apostles, set foot for the first time in Italy, making this place a spiritual and historical reference point. This event is considered so important that the main church of the town was dedicated to Saint Peter, strengthening the bond between the community and its historical-religious past.

The historical charm of San Pietro in Bevagna does not stop at the biblical episode. The region has witnessed numerous passages of various civilizations, including the Romans, Byzantines, and Normans, each leaving an indelible mark on the fabric of the place. These layers of history are visible not only in popular tales but also in the architectural structures that still persist. Significant examples include the remains of ancient Roman villas said to have been located along the coast, where archaeologists continue to make important discoveries today.

An event that still echoes in the culture of San Pietro in Bevagna is the traditional San Pietro festival, celebrated on June 29 each year. This festival not only attracts visitors from all over the region but is also a moment of deep community connection, during which residents participate in processions, masses, and celebrations that reflect the importance of the apostle for the town. The festivity is also an opportunity for visitors to experience the local culture through music, traditional dances, and, of course, Apulian gastronomy, which in these occasions shows all its splendor.

In addition to religious festivities, San Pietro in Bevagna is also home to cultural events that celebrate both its historical heritage and its traditions. Among these, the "Sagra del Mare," an annual festival that celebrates the culinary wealth and biodiversity of the Ionian Sea, stands out. During the festival, it is possible to taste dishes made with locally caught fresh fish, strengthening the community's bond with its marine environment and sustainable fishing practices, testifying to the continuous influence of history and culture on modern life in San Pietro in Bevagna.

These historical and cultural elements, from antiquity to the present day, not only form the fabric of San Pietro in Bevagna's identity but also play a crucial role in attracting tourists and culture lovers. Those who visit this charming village are not only welcomed by splendid beaches and crystal-clear waters but are also immersed in an environment rich in history and traditions that continue to influence and enrich the daily life of its inhabitants.

Local Cuisine

The culinary experience in San Pietro in Bevagna represents a journey through authentic flavors, aromas, and traditions of Apulia. The combination of a rich offer of fresh local products and the creativity of chefs makes gastronomy one of the most fascinating aspects of this destination.

A dish that embodies the spirit and taste of the area is definitely tiella di riso, patate e cozze. This dish, originally from nearby Taranto, has found a home also in San Pietro in Bevagna, where it is prepared with the freshest locally caught mussels, rice, and potatoes, all enriched with cherry tomatoes, local extra virgin olive oil, and a touch of chili pepper. The slow and low cooking in a terracotta pot gives the dish a consistency and flavor that speak of both the sea and the land, essences of Apulian cuisine.

Not less famous is frittura di pesce, which can be enjoyed in local fry shops or restaurants by the beach. Fish such as suzuki, sea bream, or squid are fried to perfection and served with a pinch of salt and lemon wedges. This simple dish highlights the full taste of fresh fish, caught in the crystal clear waters of the Ionian Sea.

The cuisine of San Pietro in Bevagna also expresses a strong bond with land products. Among these, preserved vegetables like artichokes, dried tomatoes, and eggplants, prepared following traditional recipes passed down through generations, stand out. These products result from careful selection of quality raw materials and are an essential part of the Mediterranean diet.

The culture of wine is deeply rooted in San Pietro in Bevagna, where viticulture benefits from the mild climate and fertile soils. Primitivo di Manduria is one of the most appreciated wines, known for its rich and full-bodied taste, with notes of plum, cherry, and spices. Local wineries offer tastings that allow discovering not only Primitivo but also other local wines, pairing these enological experiences with breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.

Pastry is no less, with local almonds playing a starring role. Pasticciotti, with their creamy ricotta and lemon filling, and delicious almond cakes offer a perfect end to every meal or a sweet break at any time of the day.

Weekly markets and shops in San Pietro in Bevagna are perfect places to discover and purchase typical products. Here, visitors can taste and take home a piece of Apulia, such as olive oil, olives in brine, hard wheat bread, and fresh and aged cheeses, all examples of local artisanal excellence.

Besides the food, the culinary tradition of San Pietro in Bevagna is also expressed in the ways of setting the table, in the warm and convivial hospitality of its inhabitants, making every meal an occasion for sharing and celebration. In this way, food becomes not only nourishment but also a cultural bridge, a way to connect with the history and traditions of this fascinating corner of Italy.

Travel Tips

Planning a visit to San Pietro in Bevagna can become a wonderful experience with careful planning of some essential aspects of the trip. Here are some practical recommendations on where to stay, how to get around, and other useful tips to enjoy this charming destination to the fullest.

Where to stay

San Pietro in Bevagna offers a variety of accommodation options to suit different tastes and budgets. If you prefer to stay near the beach, there are numerous hotels and resorts offering modern conveniences and easy access to the crystal clear waters of the Ionian Sea. For those looking for a more authentic experience or needing more space, such as families or groups of friends, renting an apartment or villa can be an ideal choice. These solutions offer the flexibility to prepare meals at home and live like a local. Farmhouses, often located just outside the town, offer an immersion in nature and local culinary culture, ideal for those who want to relax in a quiet and rural environment.

How to get around

San Pietro in Bevagna is a relatively small locality and can be easily explored on foot or by bicycle, which is also a great way to enjoy the local landscape. Renting a bicycle is a convenient and eco-friendly option. For those who want to explore wider areas, such as nearby Manduria or other Salento towns, renting a car is advisable. This offers maximum flexibility of movement, essential especially if you want to visit the Primitivo di Manduria wineries or other attractions that are not easily accessible by public transport. Taxis and ride-sharing services are available but can be more expensive.

Useful tips

Best time to visit: the summer season, from June to September, is the ideal time for those seeking beach life and water activities. However, if you prefer to avoid the crowds and enjoy milder weather, consider the months of May, June, September, and October. Beach gear: don't forget to bring or buy on site the essentials for the beach like sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, and towels. Some beaches offer the possibility to rent umbrellas and sunbeds, but during high season it is advisable to arrive early to secure the best spot. Safety: San Pietro in Bevagna is generally a safe locality. However, as in any tourist area, it is always good practice to pay attention to your personal belongings, especially on the beach or in crowded places. Language: knowing a few basic phrases in Italian can greatly enhance your experience, especially in restaurants and local shops where English may not be spoken fluently.

Following these tips, your trip to San Pietro in Bevagna will be not only pleasant but also rich in cultural and natural experiences. All that remains is to pack your bags and get ready to discover everything this wonderful destination has to offer!

Where to Park in San Pietro in Bevagna?

If you are driving, it will be easy to reach the town by following the road signs. You can leave your car on the streets of the town.

There are paid parking spots marked by blue lines, very close to the beaches.

Where to park in San Pietro in Bevagna

The cost of parking is 1 euro/hour with a daily rate of 7 euros.

You can pay and get the ticket at the terminals adjacent to the parking area.

Where to pay for parking in San Pietro in Bevagna


San Pietro in Bevagna, with its tranquil atmosphere and golden beaches, proves to be a real haven for those seeking an escape from the daily hustle and bustle. Immersed in history, this destination not only offers relaxation but also a journey through time, from the Church of San Pietro, a historical and spiritual symbol, to the testimonies of its ancient community. Its beaches, among the most enchanting in Apulia, invite long days under the sun, while the crystal-clear sea promises refreshing swims and activities such as snorkeling or simple walks along the shore.

The surrounding nature, including the Riserva Naturale della Salina dei Monaci, represents a paradise for wildlife lovers and offers a regenerating break from the hustle and bustle of more crowded areas. The presence of pink flamingos adds a touch of magic to this already picturesque landscape, making each visit a unique experience.

The cultural events and local festivities, such as the celebrations in honor of San Pietro, offer an authentic insight into the rich cultural fabric of the area, allowing visitors to fully immerse themselves in local traditions. These events not only strengthen the community bond but also represent an irresistible appeal for those who want to experience the most authentic Apulia.

The local cuisine, with dishes ranging from fresh seafood to traditional recipes based on simple and genuine ingredients, is another of San Pietro in Bevagna's jewels. Every meal is an opportunity to discover the intense and vibrant flavors of the Mediterranean, offering a delicious and restorative break during days of exploration.

San Pietro in Bevagna stands out for its ability to offer a balanced experience between culture, nature, and relaxation. The hospitality of its inhabitants, the charm of its beaches, and the tranquility of its atmosphere make it an unmissable destination for anyone who wants to discover the hidden wonders of Apulia. The extraordinary historical testimonies, coupled with the natural wonders and cultural events, create a vibrant fabric that makes each visit unforgettable, enriching the traveler not only with rest but also with cultural and spiritual enrichment.