Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo

Updated at: 23-07-2024

Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo

The Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo is located in Monte Sant'Angelo, in the Gargano area, a sub-region of Puglia, situated in the province of Foggia.

This sacred place is situated on a promontory about 800 meters above sea level, offering a breathtaking panoramic view of the Tavoliere delle Puglie plain and the Gulf of Manfredonia.

The Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo

san michele arcangelo sanctuary, church facade, monte sant'angelo

The sanctuary consists of an upper basilica, which includes the Romanesque portal and the bell tower, and a lower basilica that encompasses the cave where, according to tradition, the Archangel Michael appeared.

Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo, church tower, Monte Sant'Angelo

The statue of San Michele Arcangelo, carved in Carrara marble by Andrea Sansovino in 1507, is one of the Renaissance masterpieces present in the sanctuary.

The sacred cave is accessible through a long staircase. Here are inscribed the words of the Archangel: “Where the rock opens wide, there the sins of men will be forgiven.”

The Legend of San Michele Arcangelo

The legend tells of a wealthy nobleman from Monte Gargano who had lost one of his bulls. After days of searching, he found the animal kneeling inside an inaccessible cave.

Unable to retrieve the bull, the nobleman decided to shoot an arrow towards it, but the arrow returned and wounded him. Deeply troubled, the nobleman reported the incident to the bishop, who proclaimed three days of penance for all the faithful.

On the third day, the Archangel Michael appeared to the bishop, instructing him to dedicate the cave to Christian worship in his name.


The foundation of the sanctuary dates back to the 5th century. According to tradition, the Archangel Michael first appeared in 490 AD to Bishop Lorenzo Maiorano. Over the years, the Archangel Michael is said to have appeared several more times.

In the 7th century, the sanctuary gained great importance under the rule of the Lombards, who adopted it as their national sanctuary. This marked the beginning of a period of significant development for the sanctuary, which became a religious and political reference point in the region.

The Lombards, led by Grimoaldo, defeated the Byzantines and conquered the sanctuary, consolidating their faith and propagating Christianity throughout Italy.

During the Middle Ages, the sanctuary became one of the main pilgrimage destinations in Europe. It was considered one of the four most sacred places of Western Christianity, along with Jerusalem, Rome, and Santiago de Compostela. The sanctuary attracted numerous pilgrims, including popes, kings, and saints.

For example, Saint Francis of Assisi stopped in prayer at the entrance of the cave in 1216, feeling unworthy to enter. The cave was also visited by Padre Pio, known for his devotion to the Archangel Michael.

On June 25, 2011, the sanctuary of Monte Sant'Angelo was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This recognition further solidified the sanctuary's role as one of the main religious and tourist attractions in Italy.

The Cave

Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo, cave interior, altar, Monte Sant'Angelo

The cave, located beneath the Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo, is accessible through a long staircase. Here are inscribed the words of the Archangel: “Where the rock opens wide, there the sins of men will be forgiven.”

The cave is the most sacred and significant part of the complex. It is here that, according to tradition, the Archangel Michael appeared. The cave is open to visitors and represents the spiritual heart of the sanctuary.

Description of the Cave

Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo, cave interior, painting, Monte Sant'Angelo

The cave is accessible through a long staircase called the Angevin staircase. Inside, the atmosphere is suggestive and rich in history and spirituality.

The cave is divided into several areas:

  • The Gothic nave: Part of the cave is organized as a church, with three bays closed by a cross vault.
  • Altars: There are several altars dedicated to Saint Peter, the Crucifix, and the Madonna del Soccorso.
  • Statues and relics: Inside the cave are statues, including that of San Michele Arcangelo, carved in Carrara marble, and various relics.
  • The Well: A small inlet in the rock from which water, once considered miraculous, used to flow.

Can the Sanctuary and the Cave be visited?

Yes, the cave and the sanctuary are open during the same hours. They are a place of prayer and reflection, so visitors are invited to respect the sacred atmosphere of the site.

Visiting Hours

  • April to October: from 7:30 am to 7:00 pm.
  • November to March: from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm.


Admission is generally free, but there may be costs associated with guided tours or access to specific sections of the museum.

Museums in the Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo

The Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo in Monte Sant'Angelo hosts various museums and exhibition areas that allow visitors to immerse themselves in the history and spirituality of the place. Here are the main museums:

1.Devotional Museum

The Devotional Museum collects a vast collection of ex-votos, sacred objects, and artworks donated by the faithful over the centuries. The ex-votos include paintings, sculptures, and other objects that testify to the pilgrims' gratitude for the graces received. This museum offers a glimpse into the popular devotion and spiritual history of the sanctuary.

2.Lapidary Museum

The Lapidary Museum contains a collection of archaeological finds and tombstones, some of which date back to the Lombard and medieval periods. These artifacts provide an overview of the ancient history of the sanctuary and the various phases of construction and renovation it has undergone over the centuries.


The Crypts of the sanctuary, accessible from the lower level, are an important part of the museum route. In addition to being a burial place, the crypts house various works of art and decorations from different historical periods. Among these are frescoes, sculptures, and inscriptions that tell the history of the sanctuary and its illustrious visitors.

4.Museum of the Apparition

This museum is dedicated to the apparitions of the Archangel Michael. Through a series of informative panels, documents, and sacred objects, visitors can delve into the miraculous events related to the apparitions and the devotion to San Michele.

Additional Information

Visiting Hours: The museums generally follow the sanctuary's hours, which vary depending on the season. From April to October, the sanctuary is open from 7:30 am to 7:00 pm, while from November to March from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm.

Costs: Entrance to the museums may require a small contribution or donation, especially for guided tours or access to specific sections.

How to Reach the Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo

  • By car: From Foggia, take the SS89 towards Manfredonia and then follow the signs to Monte Sant'Angelo. The winding road up to the sanctuary offers picturesque views of the Gargano National Park.
  • By bus: There are bus connections from Foggia and Manfredonia directly to Monte Sant'Angelo.
  • By train: The nearest railway station is in Foggia, from where you can continue by bus or taxi.

Parking: In Monte Sant'Angelo, there are several parking areas available for visitors. Near the sanctuary, there are well-signposted paid and free parking lots, allowing easy access to the entrance on foot.


The Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo in Monte Sant'Angelo is a gem of the Gargano and a place of extraordinary historical and spiritual beauty.

Its deep roots in Christian history, miraculous apparitions, and recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage Site make this sanctuary an unmissable destination for anyone visiting Puglia.

Exploring its crypts, visiting the museums, and immersing yourself in the sanctity of the cave where the Archangel Michael appeared offers a unique experience that combines faith, art, and history. We invite you to discover this extraordinary place, walk the paths of pilgrims, and be inspired by its timeless spirituality and beauty